Smart City

SmartCity – Digital Master Plan


Today, we have the benefit of advanced digital technology to transform existing or new cities and urbans into livable, workable & sustainable environment. The ultimate aim is to elevate the happiness index for the city dwellers.  This helps to create a digital Eco system, integrating all data from heterogenous, multiple different vendor systems equalized into a homogenous eco system to create user friendly dash boards, AI, ML.  The cloud based access will help to monitor, measure, verify and do corrective actions for enhanced process and facility usage.

Key is to open the data, while we work protecting the privacy, ensuring cyber security, giving it back to users and stake holders for useful improvement and quality of life. Digital transformation of city (or) virtual data mapping (digital twins) help to run analytics to predict failures, deviations, well in advance for necessary corrective actions. Currently industry 4.0 standard driven from factory & process automation can be applied successfully to manage large cities, with a top down approach. Mapping the city KPI’s and objectives on a high end SCADA plat form and drive it down to the various sublevels, zones and to micro level multi-vendor system.

The first challenge is to get the Smart City council or developer to define smart city guidelines and master plan criteria. Smart city design vary for each city and community. Definition of smart city features in Johannesburg, South Africa is different from Palo alto in California, Melbourne, Australia, Dubai United Arab Emirates)and in Mumbai or Bangalore India. Smart features in each location should reflect the character and culture of the community.   NG Global facilitate this thought process with all city stake holders by workhops on digital transformation workshops to bring them all into a common understanding of the required smart city goals. Once master plan guidelines are formed, then NG help to formulate standards and regulations to be driven into the project master plan.

It is good to be reviewed under the current COVID -19, which has broken all conventions and belief’s, andto be valued as a wakeup call for major shift of our entire life style into a digital transformation. The current world pandemic has forced to see the forced digital transformation. Generating a new set of standards of work and live in isolation and working remotely, operate remotely, communicate and syndicate remotely, even socializing remotely, which was never thought that it would happen so soon. Post COVID -19 will leave a landscape different from what we have seen and experienced so far. There are considerable lessons to learn and incorporate to integrate digital heath lifestyle into Smart city design.   

NG Global has experience in Smart city design and implementation for a ‘green field development’ from ground zero. The advantage with greenfield is easiness in incorporating “Digital Master Plan” from the very beginning of concept development and getting the concepts integrated to the whole design and development of the smart city. However, the challenges are different to transform existing city into smart (Brown field). The technology is now available to connect legacy and old system into digital capability and integrate together for a digital eco-system. NG Global is currently involved as Technology advisor in ME and India, to transform urban development and existing cities to make it into a digital and communicating city to equip the users with operating dash boards to manage mobility, energy, life style, water and energy distribution, waste management, healthcare, thus enhancing the city living experience as well as Happiness index.

NG Global is based in Dubai last 32 years. NG Global has several years of experience in Industrial automation, SCADA, Building Management system with our foot prints in many large iconic buildings such as Burj Khaleefa, Dubai Airports, Dubai Metro, Qatar Lussail Smart City, Kochi Smart City, Cairo Festival City, Dubai Festival City.

NG Global has branch office in UAE, Qatar, Mumbai and Chennai in India and operations in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Oman.